Story Starter Cards

A deck of story-starter cards design for the organization 826DC.


The backs of the cards are designed to look like a bookshelf, reflecting the purpose of this card deck. We hope that the children from 826DC will one day write and publish their own stories.

I designed these four cards: “Swamp,” “Hotel,” “Pickles,” and “Lettuce Man.” These are keywords given by children from 826DC. The children got to pick a ‘setting’ card, a ‘character’ card, and an ‘object’ card, which can help them brainstorm their stories.

Our team designed an image of a child exploring the Castle of Wonders on the card box. This image reflects our wish for children who use these cards to explore the wonders of their imagination.

Our team members also designed booklets to help new players understand the game.

In the end, this is a collaborative effort from a group of talented artists and directors from the 826DC programs.


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